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  • Recommended Reading

    General Articles

    8 Dimensions of Wellness Quiz and Worksheet
    J Flowers Health

    What People Need and Want from Therapy
    Psychotherapy Action Network,

    Should I break up with my therapist? 5 signs it’s the right time
    Amye Archer, MFA,

    How to Stick With Therapy When It Gets Tough
    Asma Rehman, LPC, TherapyDen

    How Gaslighting Manipulates Reality
    Paige L. Sweet, Scientific American

    Four Ways We Avoid Our Feelings—and What to Do Instead
    Sandra Parker, Greater Good Magazine

    Harvard-trained Psychologist: If You Use Any of These 9 Phrases Every Day, ‘You’re More Emotionally Secure than Most’
    Dr. Cortney Warren, CNBC

    Mental Health

    Evidence Based Practice is Bul$*%!@ , Let’s Fix It!
    Joel Blackstock, Taproot Therapy

    I’m a Psychologist – and I Believe We’ve Been Told Devastating Lies About Mental Health
    Sanah Ahsan, The Guardian 

    Why Politics Is Both the Poison and the Cure
    Dahlia Lithwick, Slate

    How Your Life Is Shaped by the Emotions You Want to Feel
    Kira M. Newman, Greater Good Magazine

    Healing the Child Within
    Thich Nhat Hanh, Mindful

    Addiction & Substance Abuse

    Drug Rehab: How We Treat Substance Use Disorder
    Granite Recovery Centers/James Gamache  

    Opioid Addiction & Abuse
    Green Mountain Treatment Center


    Hang-xiety? How a Night of Drinking Can Tank Your Mood.
    Melinda Wenner Moyer, New York Times

    How We Misunderstand Anxiety and Miss Out on Its Benefits
    Dacher Keltner and Kira M. Newman, Greater Good Magazine

    How to Stop Ruminating
    Hannah Seo, New York Times


    Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person: Improving Outcomes for That Minority of People Who Are the Majority of Clients
    Elaine N. Aron

    The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You
    Elaine N. Aron Ph.D.

    The Highly Sensitive Person’s Workbook
    Elaine N. Aron Ph.D.

    Art & Artists

    In France, a New Prescription for Mental Health: Museum Visits
    Colette Davidson, Christian Science Monitor

    Complex PTSD (CPTSD)

    Fawning: The Trauma Response We Don’t Always Talk About
    Patrícia Williams, Medium

    What to Know About Complex PTSD and Its Symptoms


    Trauma and Recovery
    Judith Lewis Herman

    Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving: A Guide and Map for Recovering from Childhood Trauma
    Pete Walker

    Couples & Relationships

    Most Couples Financially Incompatible. Having a Money Talk Could Help
    Sharon Epperson, CNBC

    These Simple Questions are Relationship Super Glue
    Eleni N. Gage, Oprah Daily

    33 Premarital Counseling Questions (From a Couples Therapist)
    Laura Richer, Anchor Light Therapy Collective

    The Tree Who Set Healthy Boundaries
    Topher Payne

    How a Single Sentence — and a Tennis Metaphor — Can Save Relationships from Imploding
    Jessica Benda, Los Angeles Times

    Never Use These 2 Words When Giving an Apology—They Make You Sound ‘Fake and Insincere,’ Say Experts
    Kenji Yoshino and David Glasgow, CNBC

    Harvard-trained Psychologist: If You Use Any of These 9 Phrases Every Day, ‘Your Relationship is More Successful’ Than Most
    Dr. Cortney Warren, CNBC

    ‘Gender Inequities are Important’: Why Couples Fall out of Love
    Andrew Anthony, The Guardian

    I’m a Sex Educator. Here’s the Biggest Myth about Desire in Long-Term Relationships 
    Emily Nagoski, The Guardian


    Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself
    Nedra Glover Tawwab

    Breathing Room: Creating Space to Be a Couple
    Elayne Savage

    Narcissistic Abuse

    How to Tell If Someone Is Gaslighting You
    Newport Institute

    How Micromanipulations Help Narcissists Stay in Control
    Kristy Lee Hochenberger Ph.D., Psychology Today

    Narcissism & Codependency: You Can’t have One without the Other.
    Stacy Hoch, Elephant Journal

    Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse
    Avaya University




    The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists: Coping with the One-Way Relationship in Work, Love, and Family
    Eleanor D. Payson

    The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to Recognize It and How to Respond
    Patricia Evans

    Verbal Abuse: Survivors Speak Out on Relationship and Recovery
    Patricia Evans

    Victory Over Verbal Abuse: A Healing Guide to Renewing Your Spirit and Reclaiming Your Life
    Patricia Evans

    The Verbally Abusive Man—Can He Change? A Woman’s Guide to Deciding Whether to Stay or Go
    Patricia Evans

    Borderline, Narcissistic and Schizoid Adaptations: The Pursuit of Love, Admiration and Safety
    Elinor Greenberg

    The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist
    Debbie Mirza

    Psychopath Free
    Jackson Mackenzie

    Should I Stay or Should I Go? Surviving a Relationship with a Narcissist
    Ramani Durvasula

    Healing from a Narcissistic Relationship: A Caretaker’s Guide to Recovery, Empowerment, and Transformation
    Margalos Fjelstd

    Gendered Issues & Sexuality

    Intimacy Support

    What Is Sensate Focus and How Does It Work?
    Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA)

    Men’s Issues

    Men are struggling. A New Book Explores Why and What to do About it
    Andrea Hsu, NPR

    Men Have Fewer Friends Than Ever, and It’s Harming Their Health
    Aubrey Hirsch, Vox

    The Lonely Hearts Club Man
    Ian Taylor, BBC Science Focus


    When Your Parents Are Dying: Some of the Simplest, Most Difficult and Redemptive Life-Advice You’ll Ever Receive
    Maria Popova, The Marginalian

    How Long Does Grief Last?
    Stephanie Steinman, PhD, CSAC

    Lessons from My Dying Therapist: Care Less, Have Fun – and Accept the Inevitable
    Phoebe Greenwood, The Guardian 

    I’m a Psychologist. After My Brother’s Suicide, I Realized I Had Completely Misunderstood Grief.
    Sherry Walling, Slate

    “When Death Comes“
    Mary Oliver

    Life Transitions

    Caregiver Support Guide

    Parents & Families


    Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself
    Nedra Glover Tawwab

    Drama Free: A Guide to Managing Unhealthy Family Relationships
    Nedra Glover Tawwab

    Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents
    Lindsay C. Gibson

    The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives
    William Stixrud PhD, Ned Johnson


    The No. 1 soft skill that predicts kids’ success more than IQ—and how to teach it
    Michele Borba,

    How to Handle Your Child’s Lying at Every Age
    Health Essentials, Cleveland Clinic

    5 Tips for Parenting a Strong-Willed Child
    Mia Taylor, Parents

    How to Give Kids Autonomy? ‘Anxious Generation’ Author Says a License to Roam Helps
    Michaeleen Doucleff, NPR


    Co-Parenting or Parallel Parenting: How to Know What’s Right
    Ann Gold Buscho Ph.D., Psychology Today

    Parents of LGBTQ+ Children

    Get the Facts About Trans Youth (Infographic, PDF download)
    Movement Advancement Project

    Family Acceptance Saves Lives
    Human Rights Campaign

    Families Matter
    The Family Acceptance Project

    Strategies for Supporting a Transgender Child
    Psychology Today

    Affirming vs. Non-affirming Parenting Behaviors
    Gender Spectrum

    Parents and Family
    Gender Spectrum

    Tips for Parents of LGBTQ Youth
    Johns Hopkins Medicine

    Transgender Children & Youth: Understanding the Basics
    Human Rights Campaign

    Parenting a Gender-Diverse Child: Hard Questions Answered
    Healthy Children

    Why Accepting your LGBTQ Child Matters—And How to Start
    Option B

    10 Things Parents of Trans Kids Want to Know
    Psychology Today

    Supporting & Caring for Transgender Children
    Human Rights Campaign

    Just as They Are
    Human Rights Campaign

    Gender Spectrum’s National Parent Support Group


    I’m the Parent of a Trans Daughter. There’s Nothing Conservative About Blocking Her Care.
    Sean P. Madden, USA Today 


    The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals
    Stephanie Brill and Rachel Pepper

    Transgender Teen: A Handbook for Parents and Professionals Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary Teens
    Stephanie Brill and Rachel Pepper

    Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

    The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
    Jonathan Shedler, PhD (PDF download)

    Evidence Based Practice is Bul$*%!@ , Let’s Fix It!
    Joel Blackstock, Taproot Therapy

    Racial Justice

    Here’s How Some Therapists are Tackling Structural Racism in Their Practice
    Lauren Beard, NPR

    Whiteness on the Couch
    Natasha Stovall, Longreads

    Tweens, Teens & Emerging Adults

    For Highly Sensitive Teenagers, Part I: Feeling Different
    Elaine N. Aron

    Start Here: A Guide for Parents of Autistic Kids
    Autistic Self Advocacy Network

    6 Ways to Get Teen Boys to Open Up and Engage In Deeper Conversation
    Diane Debrovner, Grown & Flown 

    Teen ‘Like’ and ‘FOMO’ Anxiety
    Kelly Wallace, CNN

    I Fear My Children Are Overexposed to Technology. Experts Say I’m Right to Worry
    Sophie Brickman, The Guardian 

    The No. 1 Soft Skill That Predicts Kids’ Success More Than IQ—and How to Teach It
    Michele Borba,

    How Do I Know if My Teen Is OK?
    Carrie Goldman, New York Times

    How to Help a Teen Struggling With Mental Health
    Matt Richtel, New York Times 

    Helping Teens Make Room for Uncomfortable Emotions
    Lisa Damour, New York Times

    This Teen Was Prescribed 10 Psychiatric Drugs. She’s Not Alone
    Matt Richtel, New York Times

    Teenagers, Anxiety Can Be Your Friend
    Lisa Damour, New York Times

    There’s a Mental-Health Crisis Among American Children. Why?
    Kim Tingley, The New York Times Magazine

    Teens Are in Crisis. So Are Their Parents.
    Constance Sommor, New York Times

    For Some Teens, It’s Been a Year of Anxiety and Trips to the E.R.
    Benedict Carey, New York Times

    Social Media & Suicide
    Social Media Victims Law Center

    I’m a Psychologist With a History of Anxiety. Treating It As a Permanent Problem Might Make Young People Feel Worse
    Lucy Foulkes, The Guardian

    How to Talk with Your Kids about Bodies and Weight
    Amye Archer, MFA,

    Should You be Friends with Your Kids?
    Allie Volpe, Vox

    14 Antiracist Books for Kids and Teens Recommended by BIPOC Teachers and Librarians
    Jackie Reeve, New York Times Wirecutter

    How to Give Kids Autonomy? ‘Anxious Generation’ Author Says a License to Roam Helps
    Michaeleen Doucleff, NPR


    Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood
    Lisa Damour, Ph.D

    The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents
    Lisa Damour, Ph.D.