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  • Grief Therapy

    Our society not only fails to provide appropriate space for expression of grief, it also fails to teach us the many types of grief. It’s not just the loss of a loved one—it could be a dementia diagnosis that makes those closest to you feel like strangers; the end of a major personal project or life goal; a breakup with a romantic partner or friend, or the anticipatory grief that comes with a terminal diagnosis. I worked for two years as a grief counselor at a hospice and have specialized knowledge in helping people face and express grief in its many forms.

    Recommended Reading

    When Your Parents Are Dying: Some of the Simplest, Most Difficult and Redemptive Life-Advice You’ll Ever Receive
    Maria Popova, The Marginalian

    How long does grief last?
    Stephanie Steinman, PhD, CSAC

    Lessons from my dying therapist: care less, have fun – and accept the inevitable
    Phoebe Greenwood, The Guardian

    I’m a Psychologist. After My Brother’s Suicide, I Realized I Had Completely Misunderstood Grief.
    Sherry Walling, Slate

    “When Death Comes
    Mary Oliver