Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
If you’ve tried once-a-week therapy in the past and found it ineffective, or progress to be too slow for your liking, I highly recommend considering my psychoanalytically-informed psychotherapy practice, which is my main specialty. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is a form of in-depth talk therapy, that helps you explore your unconscious mind in order to improve your life in the present.
Each session involves discussion, analysis, and interpretation of your past experiences, and your present thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This approach sometimes involves multiple sessions per week (reduced fees available; contact me for details), which can be extremely effective in getting to the deep root of the challenges you may have struggled with your whole life, and may ultimately shorten the overall length of your therapy. Through this process, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself that will help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety, and help you feel more engaged and empowered in your daily life.
Recommended Reading
What People Need and Want from Therapy
Psychotherapy Action Network,
Should I break up with my therapist? 5 signs it’s the right time
Amye Archer, MFA,
The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Jonathan Shedler, PhD (PDF download)
Evidence Based Practice is Bul$*%!@ , Let’s Fix It!
Joel Blackstock, Taproot Therapy